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About Emmanuel Presbyterian Church
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church began in 1945 on San Antonio's south side as a mission of Central Presbyterian Church. The original site was in a small neighborhood on Teresa Street, then later moved to our current location at 713 Division Ave. Many of Emmanuel's members are second and third generation descendants of the founding members. A rich inheritance of culture and tradition lives on in each of us. We are predominantly Mexican-American and bilingual, from professional to blue collar workers. 

Leadership Team
 Our Session, which is our Board of Elders, is the ruling body of the church. The dedicated men and women currently serving in this capacity are:  (Clerk of Session)  Shoma Arcos, (Buildings and Grounds) Dina Alonzo,  (Worship) Ron Grier , (Safety, Security and Intelligence) Matthew Guerrero, (Evangelism) Christina Buruato Session Members (Elders)
We deeply appreciate their wise leadership!
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church