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Our Spirited worship services combine the best of traditional and contemporary music, along with practical messages designed to help us all experience God's love and power more fully. Worship begins at 11 a.m., with Communion served on the first   Sundays of every month. Potluck cover dish luncheon is held the first Sunday of every month immediately following the Worship Service.  Come and join us.  All are Welcomed.
A community of faith on the south side of San Antonio where "Every Person Counts."
Upcoming Events
Contact Us
Sunday Februray 16
Estela C. Sifuentes, CRE
Our helpful staff is available 24 Hrs by phone, and in the office
Tue, Wed, Thur 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. to answer all of your questions. We're looking forward to meeting you.
Address: 713 Division Ave., San Antonio, TX 78225
Phone: 210-922-7153 Mobile
           210-233-6247 Office line or Fax
Email: emmanuelpc@sbcglobal.net 

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Emmanuel Presbyterian Church
Sunday February 23
Rev. Frank Vasquez
Sunday February 2
Rev. Frank Vasquez
Communion Sunday
Luncheon to Follow

Sunday February 9
Rev. Frank Vasquez

The Hispanic Ministries Ministry Network of the Synod of the Sun will soon hold another workshop! Workshop #5 will focus on prayer and discipleship, new elder and deacon training, how to get church members more involved in community outreach, and Presbyterian youth camps and conferences. / La Red de Misión del Ministerios Hispanos del Sínodo del Sol (HMMN) pronto realizará otro taller! El taller #5 se enfocará en oración y discipulado, capacitación para nuevos ancianos y diáconos, cómo involucrar más a los miembros de la iglesia en el evangelismo, y los campamentos y conferencias presbiterianos para jóvenes.

Workshop #5: Teach, Learn, Serve /
Taller #5: Enseñar, Aprender, Servir
Sat., February 1, 2025 / sábado, 1 de febrero, 2025
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church
713 Division Ave, San Antonio, TX 78225  
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
(8:30 a.m. – Coffee and Fellowship/Café y compañerismo)

To register for Workshop #5, send an email to hmmnsos@yahoo.com (please provide names of participants and indicate if attendance will be in-person or via Zoom) or go to our link: / Para registrarse para el Taller #5, envíe un correo electrónico a hmmnsos@yahoo.com (favor de proporcionar los nombres de los participantes e indique si la asistencia será en persona o en Zoom) o haga clic en el enlace: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B094EACAC28A1FF2-54362225-teach

Those unable to travel to Central Texas may attend virtually via Zoom; however, we are encouraging in-person attendance for the best experience. / Aquellos que no puedan viajar al Centro de Texas pueden asistir virtualmente a través de Zoom; sin embargo, recomendamos la asistencia en persona para tener la mejor experiencia.

A love offering is collected at each meeting as seed money to fund further HMMN educational opportunities. / En cada reunión se levanta una ofrenda de amor como capital inicial para financiar más oportunidades educativas de HMMN.